Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunday 10-24 Worship in Mariupol

Priviett! (Greetings)

Today we were able to worship with the congregation here in Mariupol. There were 3 baptisms! It was so special to experience 3 new sisters coming to Christ.  We all stood in the baptistry room and sang praises to God after class, and then went back to the auditorium to finish the worship.  The song book they use has English on one side of the page, and Russian on the other. We knew almost all of the songs they sang (but we sang in English). It has been so encouraging to meet the bretheren here. They are all so sweet and welcoming to us...which is a nice change from being out in public, where people get really weirded out if you look or smile at them.

We had a meeting today at 2 with all the translators and teachers, and spent the rest of the day prepping crafts.  There are some wonderful people who have come to translate for us - most of them are young - even to age 16!  About half of the translators are from the church, and a few members from the church volunteered to teach a class at the orphanage.  We still need 3 more teachers to cover all of the classes at the orphanage, but it's not looking like we'll get them covered.  We just have to deal with this reality.

The people who started the church in Mariupol are staying here this week as well.  Larry, his wife Joy, and Hal are from Texas.  They started the church in 1996.  They are from Texas, and really sweet.  It has been so nice to talk with them. Joy made us taco soup on Saturday night (it was delicious).  Speaking of food, we spent 3 hours at the "AM store" - which was basically like a Ukranian Super Wal-mart - getting food for the week.

Tomorrow will be our first day at the orphanage, and we are all SUPER EXCITED!  It's crazy to think that after months of preparation we are finally ready to go to work.

Thank you so much for your prayers, we need them more than ever right now!

Steph, Leah, Jan, Connie, Debbie, and Theresa :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girls: Just want you to know I'm proud of the work you are doing in His Kingdom. Your in my prayers. Stay safe and have fun.
    Rick Caruso
