Monday, October 25, 2010

First Day

Today was very fruitful!  Talk about adrenaline rush. We have spent months and months anticipating this day!  We all had less kids than we thought, but that's OK...we are just so happy to have the kids we have.  They were all so excited to see us.  There are about 20 of us (translators and teachers) who travel to and from the orphanage.  We sure do cram those buses traveling there and back 4 times a day!  We will have morning classes and afternoon classes all week.  We go from 10-12, come back, eat lunch (which the ladies from church make for us - YUM!)  and then go back for one last session from 3-5.  We all switch off making dinner and cleaning up.  Right now we are all sitting around preparing for tomorrow's lesson!

We are so excited for the rest of the week!  Thank you for your prayers!!

The Team


  1. Girls!!!! I love reading your blogs! It's as though I'm there with you even though I couldn't make it this year :) I'm praying often and thinking of you all the time. I'm so happy that you made it there safely and are getting started on the most rewarding part of the trip. Teaching the kids about Jesus and spending time caring for them and showing them love that they so desperately need! As well as the love that they're going to show you.

    H Leah! I handed you a game to give to Ruslan and Andrei (at the TLC); however, I received an email from Andrew and unfortunately they are no longer living at the TLC. They had to move to the orphanage but still visit the TLC once a week. Can you ask Tanya how to get a hold of them (if you already haven't :) ) and give them the game to share with everyone? Thank you so much! xoxo

    Well, I hope you have a beautiful first day! I'm so happy that the ladies at the church are making you lunch everyday. We had that blessing last year and I'll never forget their delicious soups! Yummy!

    Love you all so much,
    Amy Jackson

  2. So happy all is going well, and I do hope the weather holds up nicely for you, but if it doesn't, what does that matter ? eh ? you all will get the job done and just make more exciting memories !! Are all the little old men and women sitting outside their apts. as you walk by, like always ? I think about them a lot, wonder what they are thinking of us as we walk by, smiling at them, saying 'Privet !!' They are probably wondering where Mark is !! Please remember to give all those kids hugs from Miss Lorie too....I am praying and thinking about you always , xo Love, Lorie
